Department of Economics Seminar Series 



"Shielding Women from Violence: The Effects of a Large Sheltering Program and Violence Prevention Centers on Intimate Partner Violence in Türkiye"




Hakan Ulucan

(Anadolu University)



Date: March 10, 2025 (Monday)

Time: 14:30

Place: F106, FEAS - Building A



We investigate the impact of violence prevention and monitoring centers and a large-scale shelter project on the risk of intimate partner violence against women in Turkey. Using a difference-in-differences design, we find that these programs significantly decrease the self-reported risk of physical violence from intimate partners by 18 percent and reduce female homicides by intimate partners by 2.2 in affected provinces after the program implementation. There is no evidence of pre-existing trends influencing the homicide outcomes, validating our empirical design. Exploring potential mechanisms, we find that the programs also increased women’s help-seeking behavior through women’s organizations and social services, without affecting divorce or employment rates. Our study underscores the importance of investing in institutional support structures to protect and empower women, highlighting the need for comprehensive support programs to effectively combat domestic violence.

Son Güncelleme:
05/03/2025 - 14:12