Lisans Programı
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ODTÜ İktisat Bölümü Lisans Programı, iktisat teorisi ve uygulamalı istatistiksel yöntemler eğitim ve öğretiminde Türkiye’nin önde gelen programıdır. Programda ilk dört dönem iktisadi teori, matematik ve istatistik konularında güçlü bir altyapı oluşturulması amaçlanmaktadır. Bu çerçevede lisans programının ilk iki yılı büyük ölçüde zorunlu derslerden oluşmaktadır. Üçüncü ve dördüncü yıllarda ise program ağırlıkla seçmeli derslerden oluşmaktadır. Öğrencilerimize para teorisi ve politikası, maliye teorisi ve politikası, uluslararası iktisat, davranışsal iktisat, finansal kurumlar, oyun teorisi, işgücü iktisadı, ileri makroekonomik teori, uluslararası iktisadi kurumlar, uluslararası politik iktisat, kalkınma, büyüme teorileri, proje değerlendirme, tarım iktisadı, ve çevre gibi geniş bir yelpazede seçmeli dersler sunulmaktadır. Bu seçmeli derslere ek olarak öğrencilerimiz üçüncü ve dördüncü yıllarında ekonometri teorisi ve uygulamaları, iktisadi düşünce tarihi ile Türkiye ekonomisi derslerini de zorunlu olarak almaktadırlar. Mezuniyet için 18 adedi seçmeli olmak üzere 40 adet kredili ders tamamlamak gerekmektedir. Bu 18 seçmeli dersin en az 11’i bölüm seçmelisi olmak zorundadır. Geriye kalan en çok yedi seçmeli dersin en çok dört adedi İİBF dışı alınan derslerden seçilebilir.
Gerekli koşulları sağlayan başarılı İktisat Bölümü lisans öğrencileri, istedikleri takdirde üniversitemizin diğer bölümlerinde Çift Anadal ve/veya Yandal Programları’na katılabilirler. Öğrencilerimizin tercih edebilecekleri Çift Anadal Programları arasında Matematik, Sosyoloji, Felsefe, Endüstri Mühendisliği, Yandal Programları arasında ise Psikoloji, Genel İşletme, Kurumsal Finans, Girişimcilik, İstatistik, Tarih, Kamu Yönetimi ve Siyaset Bilimi ve Avrupa Çalışmaları programları sayılabilir. Üniversitemizde sunulan Çift Anadal ve Yandal programları listesi için, sayfasını ziyaret ediniz.
İlk yılını başarı ile tamamlayan öğrencilerimizin, genellikle üçüncü ve dördüncü yıllarında olmak üzere, bir akademik yılı yurtdışında Bölümümüzün işbirliği içinde (Erasmus ve/veya değişim anlaşması) olduğu üniversitelerde geçirme fırsatları vardır. Bu üniversitelerden aldıkları dersler, koşullar sağlandığı sürece öğrencinin ders programına sayılmaktadır. İİBF’nin iki bilgisayar laboratuvarı bölüm öğrencilerimizin kullanımına açıktır. Bilgisayar laboratuvarlarında öğrencilerimizin derslerde kullandıkları istatistiki ve ekonometrik yöntemler için gerekli olan yazılım paketleri mevcuttur.
Bölüm Kodu | Ders Kodu | Ders Adı | Önkoşul | Kredi | ECTS |
311 | ECON 101 | INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS I | 5 | 8.0 | |
639 | ENG 101 | DEVT. OF READ. AND WRIT. SKILLS I | 4 | 6.0 | |
642 | TURK 101 | TURKISH I | 0 | 2.0 | |
901 | IS 100 | INTRO. TO INFO. TECH. AND APP. | 0 | 1.0 | |
311 | ECON 102 | INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS II | ECON 101 | 5 | 8.0 |
236 | MATH 120 | CALCULUS OF FUNC. OF SEV. VAR. | MATH 119 | 5 | 7.5 |
639 | ENG 102 | DEVT. OF READ. AND WRIT. SKILLS II | 4 | 6.0 | |
642 | TURK 102 | TURKISH II | 0 | 2.0 | |
312 | BA 100 | CAREER PLANNING | 0 | 2.0 | |
1 SEÇMELİ: Danışman onayı ile herhangi 1xx-2xx kodlu seçmeli. (*) | |||||
311 | ECON 201 | MICROECONOMIC THEORY I | ECON 101, MATH 120(**) | 4 | 7.0 |
311 | ECON 202 | MACROECONOMIC THEORY I | ECON 102 | 4 | 7.0 |
311 | ECON 205 | STATISTICS FOR ECONOMICS I | MATH 120, ECON 106 | 4 | 6.0 |
311 | ECON 208 | SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC HISTORY II | 3 | 6.0 | |
236 | MATH 260 | BASIC LINEAR ALGEBRA | 3 | 5.0 | |
240 | HIST 2201 | PRINCIPLES OF KEMAL ATATURK I | 0 | 2.0 | |
311 | ECON 203 | MICROECONOMIC THEORY II | ECON 201 | 4 | 7.0 |
311 | ECON 204 | MACROECONOMIC THEORY II | ECON 101, ECON 102 | 4 | 7.0 |
311 | ECON 206 | STATISTICS FOR ECONOMICS II | ECON 205 | 3 | 6.0 |
639 | ENG 211 | ADV. READ. AND ORAL COM. | ENG 101, ENG 102 | 3 | 4.0 |
240 | HIST 2202 | PRINCIPLES OF KEMAL ATATURK II | 0 | 2.0 | |
1 SEÇMELİ: Herhangi 2xx-3xx kodlu seçmeli | |||||
311 | ECON 201 | MICROECONOMIC THEORY I | ECON 101, MATH 120(**) | 4 | 7.0 |
311 | ECON 202 | MACROECONOMIC THEORY I | ECON 102 | 4 | 7.0 |
311 | ECON 205 | STATISTICS FOR ECONOMICS I | MATH 120, ECON 106 | 4 | 6.0 |
236 | MATH 260 | BASIC LINEAR ALGEBRA | 3 | 5.0 | |
240 | HIST 2201 | PRINCIPLES OF KEMAL ATATURK I | 0 | 2.0 | |
1 SEÇMELİ: Herhangi 2xx-3xx kodlu seçmeli | |||||
311 | ECON 203 | MICROECONOMIC THEORY II | ECON 201 | 4 | 7.0 |
311 | ECON 204 | MACROECONOMIC THEORY II | ECON 101, ECON 102 | 4 | 7.0 |
311 | ECON 206 | STATISTICS FOR ECONOMICS II | ECON 205 | 3 | 6.0 |
311 | ECON 208 | SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC HISTORY II | 3 | 6.0 | |
639 | ENG 211 | ADV. READ. AND ORAL COM. | ENG 101, ENG 102 | 3 | 4.0 |
240 | HIST 2202 | PRINCIPLES OF KEMAL ATATURK II | 0 | 2.0 | |
311 | ECON 301 | INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMETRICS I | ECON 206 | 4 | 6.0 |
311 | ECON 361 | HISTORY OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS I | 3 | 6.0 | |
ÜÇ SEÇMELİ | |||||
311 | ECON 301 | INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMETRICS I | ECON 206 | 4 | 6.0 |
311 | ECON 361 | HISTORY OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS I | 3 | 6.0 | |
ÜÇ SEÇMELİ | |||||
311 | ECON 460 | STRUCTURE OF TURKISH ECONOMY | ECON 101, ECON 102 | 3 | 6.0 |
311 | ECON 460 | STRUCTURE OF TURKISH ECONOMY | ECON 101, ECON 102 | 3 | 6.0 |
(*) Öğrenciler ECON 108'e ek olarak sadece 1 tane 1xx kodlu seçmeli dersi alabilirler.
(**) MATH 120 önkoşul şartı, sadece 2017 EYLÜL döneminde ve sonrasında bölüme ilk kez kayıt yapan öğrenciler için geçerlidir.
1. Tüm öğrenciler programda 18 seçmeli alabilir.
2. 18 seçmelinin en az 11'i Bölüm içi seçmelisi olmalıdır.
3. Bölüm dışı seçmelilerin sayısı EN ÇOK 7 olabilir; en çok 7 seçmelinin EN ÇOK 4 adedi İİBF (Fakülte) dışı dersler olabilir.
4. Bölüm dışı seçmeliler kredili dersler olmalıdır.
5. (Danışman onayı ile) 18 seçmeli dersin üzerine alınabilecek herhangi bir seçmeli ders, NI kategorisinde alınabilir.
6. Tüm öğrenciler bu koşulları yerine getirmekle ve mezun olabilmek için 40 kredili ders yükünü (zorunlu ve seçmeli) tamamlamakla sorumludur.
Ders Kodu | Ders Adı | Açıklama |
ECON 101 | INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS I | The economic problem; theories of supply and demand; various market structures; theory of distribution. |
ECON 102 | INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS II | Firms and fiscal policy; interdependence of the economy; national income; theory of income determination; money and banking; monetary policy; international trade and finance. |
ECON 105 | INTRODUCTION TO RESEARCH METHODS I | The aim of the course is to introduce students to the principles and practicalities of doing research. Basic grounding in social science concepts, analytical approaches, research tools, selecting problems, reviewing the literature and presenting research are the major topics of the course. |
ECON 106 | INTRODUCTION TO RESEARCH METHODS II | This course covers introductory probability distributions, hypothesis testing, analysis of variation and introductory regression analysis. Application of those concepts, through computer usage, is encouraged throughout the duration of the course. |
ECON 107 | ECONOMY, SOCIETY, AND CIVILIZATION I | This course is designed to provide Economics students with a strong humanities background. An interdisciplinary social science emphasis on the origins and evolution of economic activities and institutions against the background of a history of civilization. |
ECON 108 | ECONOMY, SOCIETY, AND CIVILIZATION II | Continuation of 3110107 |
ECON 122 | PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS | Introductory macroeconomics course designed for non-departmental students. The nature of economics. The elements of supply and demand. Theory of income determination. Money and banking. Fundamentals of macroeconomic policy, monetary and fiscal policy. Basics of international trade. |
ECON 201 | MICROECONOMIC THEORY | Scope and method, demand, supply and market prices; theory of consumer behaviour; applications; demand elasticity; theory of production and cost; pricing in competitive markets; general equilibrium and welfare economics. |
ECON 202 | MACROECONOMIC THEORY | Measurement of economic activity; national income accounting; determination of the level of economic activity; the `Classical` and `Modern` theories of income and employment; general equilibrium of product and money markets; impact of international trade fluctuations and growth in economic activity; aggregate income distribution. |
ECON 203 | MICROECONOMIC THEORY II | Building on ECON 201, this second course covers choice under certainty, production economies, choice under uncertainty, general equilibrium under uncertainty, market failures, game theory and behavioral economics. Microeconomic analysis uses a set of powerful tools from optimization theory and abstract mathematics. This course also attempts to help you master these tools further by presenting additional topics in microeconomics. |
ECON 204 | MACROECONOMIC THEORY II | Intertemporal consumption-saving decisions; Ricardian equivalence theorem; credit market imperfections; intertemporal investment decision of the firm; optimal investment rule; cash-in-advance model; Fisher relation; Liquidity trap; menetary policy rules; neutrality of money; New Keynesian Economics; Keynesian transmission mechanism for monetary policy; menu cost models; Freidman rule; Financial intermediation and Banking; The Diamond-Dybvig Banking model; The Phillips curve; Rational expectations hypothesis; Time consistency problem; Beginning of Modern Macroeconomics; The Neoclassical Synthesis; The Rational Expectations Critique. |
ECON 205 | STATISTICS FOR ECONOMISTS I | This course deals with frequency distributions, measures of central tendency and variability, basic theorems of probability, independent and joint events, conditional probability, discrete probability distributions, normal distributions, sampling distributions and sample drawing techniques. |
ECON 206 | STATISTICS FOR ECONOMISTS II | This course deals with principles of point estimation, properties of point estimators, techniques of estimation, optimality criteria in estimation, interval estimation, hypothesis testing, comparison tests for independent and paired samples, multiple comparisons, non parametric methods, regression, correlation, and analysis of variance and elementary time series analysis. |
ECON 207 | SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC HISTORY I | This course deals with transformation of the politically fragmented, non-market European feudal societies into societies characterized by market-orientation and centralized political structures. It focuses on differential patterns of agrarian and commercial development in individual regions as well as in the formation of a global economy centered around Western Europe. |
ECON 208 | SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC HISTORY II | This course deals with the rise of industrialism in different European regions. The emphasis is on the agrarian roots of industrialism especially in 18th century England. Particular attention is paid to the problem of late industrialization in Germany and France as well as to the interaction of individual regions in the global economy. |
ECON 210 | PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS | A non-departmental course designed for students outside the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences. The nature of economics. A general view of price system. Markets and pricing. The determination and the control of national income. Fiscal policy. Money, banking and monetary policy. International trade and finance. Economic growth and development. |
ECON 211 | PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS I | Introductory microeconomics course, especially designed for non-departmental students. |
ECON 212 | PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS II | Continuation of 3110211, introductory macroeconomics. |
Third Year Courses | ||
ECON 301 | INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMETRICS I | The Simple Regression Model: basic assumption, estimation and tests of hypotheses, the coefficient of determination, regression through the origin, prediction, functional forms and the problem of choosing between them. The Multiple Regression Model: Estimation, hypothesis testing and prediction, functional forms and specification error analysis, multicollinearity. |
ECON 302 | INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMETRICS II | Dummy Variables: testing structural change, estimating the prediction error variance, seasonal adjustment and pooling cross-sectional and time-series data. Lagged Variables: the polynomial distributed lag and the geometric distributed lag. Autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity. Simultaneous equations; identification and single-equation estimation. |
ECON 311 | MONETARY THEORY AND POLICY | Monetary theory and policy tools. An overview of the financial mechanism. Interest rate determination and the working of the capital market. Analysis of the demand and supply of money. Monetary transmission mechanism and monetary approach to balance of payments. Selected macro models in which money appears as an endogenous variable. Special applications to Turkey. |
ECON 312 | FISCAL POLICY AND PUBLIC FINANCE | Introduction to fiscal theory and policy. Government expenditures. Budgeting. Taxation and subsidies. Government finance. |
ECON 314 | ECON.OF GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT | This course is designed as an introduction to the field of economic development, and examining the intersection of this literature with the newly emerging field of political economy of institutions and development. |
ECON 315 | QUANTITATIVE FINANCE AND APPLICATIONS | No data is available for the course. |
ECON 316 | ECONOMICS OF EDUCATION | This course uses economic tools and concepts to analyze a variety of issues related to education, including the following: how and why parents, students, and govemments make decisions to invest in education; how education affects social and economic outcomes, including GDP growth and income inequality; how to evaluate the quality of education; how education is financed; the impact of resources on educational quality; and how to design and implement public policies related to education. The course also discusses the reasons that it is difficult to analyze education data and how to overcome those problems. |
ECON 353 | INTRODUCT.TO INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS I | The classical theory of foreign trade and its extensions; comparative costs; factor proportions and comparative advantages; further developments and empirical verifications; factor-price equalization, income distribution and gains from trade tariff theory and trade policy. |
ECON 354 | INTRODUCT.TO INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS I | Balance of payments; disequilibrium and adjustment; international monetary problems; trade and economic development; international economic integration. |
ECON 361 | HISTORY OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS I | The evaluation and improvement of the tools of analysis of economic phenomena within a historical perspective; Mercantilism, Physiocrats; beginning of Classical School, Smith, Malthus, Ricardo, Mill and Marxian economics. |
ECON 362 | HISTORY OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS II | The evaluation and improvement of the tools of analysis of economic phenomena within a historical perspective; the Marginal Revolution, Jevons, Walrasian, Marshallian and contemporary neo-classical economics; various critical approaches to neoclassical theory. |
ECON 400 | SEMINAR IN ECONOMICS | The seminar is devoted to a detailed study of an individual research theme on an assigned theoretical or applied economic problem. Each student prepares a paper during the semester. The student is advised by an instructor in his/her research and is expected to write regular progress reports so that specific problems and aspects of his/her work can be discussed |
ECON 401 | PRACTICAL TRAINING IN ECONOMICS I | The course is designed for 3rd and 4th year students to equip them with practical tools of their future careers. For those students planning to enter academic career, the course will involve teaching techniques, practical teaching in tutorials, discussion and problem hours. For those students planning to enter the applied research career, the course will involve research techniques, statistical databases and practical training in research institutions. |
ECON 402 | PRACTICAL TRAINING IN ECONOMICS II | The course is designed for 3rd and 4th year students to equip them with practical tools of their future careers. For those students planning to enter academic career, the course will involve teaching techniques, practical teaching in tutorials, discussion and problem hours. For those students planning to enter the applied research career, the course will involve research techniques, statistical databases and practical training in research institutions. |
ECON 403 | FINANCIAL ECONOMICS | No data is available for the course. |
ECON 404 | HEALTH ECONOMICS | Stylized facts about world health distribution, health care provision, health care insurance, adverse selection, informational asymmetries in health, technological change in the health care industry, externalities in health care markets, demand of health care, human capital and health. |
ECON 405 | ENERGY ECONOMICS | The course examines the economics of oil, coal, natural gas production and their use, as well as substitutes such as conservation and renewables, focusing on electricity markets, regulatory framework, and resulting public policy issues from a regional, national and international perspective. It will also cover a variety of theoretical and empirical topics related to energy demand, energy supply, energy prices, environmental consequences of energy consumption and production, and various public policies affecting energy demand, supply, prices, and environmental effects. The course also aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of energy markets, as well as knowledge of how to analyze them and how they interact with the rest of the economy. A further aim of is to give students advanced tools to analyze how energy and environmental policies affect the demand and supply of different types of energy. |
ECON 406 | REAL ESTATE ECONOMICS AND FINANCE | This course applies the economic and finance theory to real estate investment analysis. Dept financing in real estate investment, portfolio theory with optimization problems, deterministic and continuous asset pricing models will be covered. |
ECON 407 | INPUT-OUTPUT ANALYSIS AND ECON.MODEL. | The aim of this course is to review different theories about economic modelling and to discover the field of input-output analysis as an integral part of economic theory. |
ECON 408 | REAL INVESTMENT ANALYSIS WITH OPTIONS | No data is available for the course. |
ECON 409 | THE WORLD'S FOOD - AN ECONOMIC HISTORY C. 1840-2010 | Course deals with issues of food production and consumption on a world scale. For example, why with all the agricultural and distributive technologies available does the world continue to have nearly 1 billion people in chronic hunger? At the same time why are another billion people obese? What causes famines? Why are there recurring crises (the most recent being that of 2006-2008) surrounding food production and supply? This course explores these issues in their historical context. |
ECON 410 | ECONOMICS OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP | No data is available for the course. |
ECON 411 | ECON.OF NETWORK AND THE INTERNET | The course consists of three parts. The first part is devoted to the analysis of technological change in computing and telecommunication technologies. The second part focuses on the economics of networks and the Internet. The following topics are covered in this part: technological convergence and market convergence, structure of networks and the internet, network externalities and `lock in`, pricing and regulation of networks, Internet cost structures and pricing and versioning information. The third part of the course is about the economics of information policy. |
ECON 412 | FIS.POLI.PUB.FINANCE | No data is available for the course. |
ECON 413 | INTRODUCTION TO DATA SCIENCE | Data science is an interdisciplinary field about scientific processes and systems to extract knowledge or insights from data in various forms. With the availability of substantial amount of data in various forms and resources, it has become essential for economists to be equipped with skills needed to collect, process, analyze, and present the data. The course will be taught as a series of workshops. Main topics and methods will be summarized and discussed in each lecture, and the students will write the code to perform the task assigned to them during the lecture. The students will learn how to write basic programs in R which is one of the most popular open-source programming language currently in use by data scientists. |
ECON 414 | ECONOMICS OF FINANCIAL INVESTMENT | The course covers basic concepts of financial investment, management of investment portfolios and pricing of assets in these portfolios. Topics include diversification, asset allocation, portfolio optimization, factor models, the relation between risk and return, mutual funds, performance evaluation as well as basic coverage of pricing and use of financial derivatives, including options, forwards and futures. |
ECON 415 | ECONOMICS OF TECHNOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT | In any economy, the intensity of innovative activities is one of the main indicators of technical change. Those attempts should materialise in the product chain in the context of competitive pressures prevalent both in the national and international markets. In this framework, the course aims at mapping issues such as the study of long-run competitiveness, knowledge accumulation, and policy making combined with a holistic understanding of innovation. This course surveys a range of topics in the area of economics of innovation and technological change in the context of development, including the economics of the innovative activities, the contribution of innovation and research to economic growth, and the influence of market structure and competitive environment on the production of innovationsö tehnology diffusion. |
ECON 416 | ECONOMIC INSTITUTIONS IN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE | No data is available for the course. |
ECON 417 | MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS FOR ECONOMICS | The course is an introduction to mathematical analysis with economic applications. Topics covered are set theory; Cauchy sequences; lim inf and lim sup; the finite dimensional metric space of real vectors; convergence; completeness; separability; compactness; continuity; Lipchitz and uniform continuity; connectedness, topics from finite dimensional convex analysis; applications. |
ECON 418 | WOMEN AND THE WORLD ECONOMY | The most obvious feature of the world-economy is its vast inequalities. This course will consider one of these the one organized and legitimated via gender roles. Clearly there are differences: women in Third World areas face more disadvantages than women in core states, non-white women more than white women.. immigrants more than natives and so on. This course will explore the historically constructed economic and social processes that originate and perpetuate these inequalities, and how gender inequalities contribute to the accumulation process. |
ECON 419 | BEHAVIORAL ECONOMICS AND FINANCE | The purpose of this course is to introduce behavioral models of individual choice with applications to financial markets. To be able to understand the contribution of these alternative models, we will first discuss rational choice models and their application to financial markets. Then, selected topics in behavioral finance and game theory will also be introduced. |
ECON 421 | ADVANCED MACROECONOMICS | Inter-temporal consumption-saving and labor-leisure choice, exogenous growth, introduction to neo-classical growth model, welfare theorems, business cycles, theories of unemployment, markets with frictions and quantity rationing, dynamic inconsistency and commitment, dynamic fiscal policy, macroeconomic analysis with demographic details. |
ECON 422 | THE CHINESE ECONOMY: TRANSITIONS AND CHANGE | Evolution of the Chinese economy during pre- and post-1949 periods; analysis of Chinas post-1978 reform period using basic economic tools; identification of characteristics of China’s economic transition/transformation and development; structural change; urban-rural gap; labor markets; foreign trade and investment; foreign exchange and financial markets; Chinas post-WTO economic reforms and multinational enterprises; industrial policy; role of government and the market as allocators of resources; global imbalances. |
ECON 423 | PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS | Public sector economics as a field of study. This course studies the nature of goods and services provided by the public sector. It explores public sector as an agent for economic development and decision making and the allocation of resources in the public sector. This course also includes debates on nationalization and privitization and the role of the public sector in the Turkish economy. |
ECON 424 | ECONOMICS OF REGULATION | No data is available for the course. |
ECON 425 | ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS | The effects of economic activity on the natural environment with special reference to urban development forms the central subject matter of the course. Consideration is given to economic analysis of the causes of pollution and its control through taxes, the use of property rights and standards. |
ECON 426 | ECONOMICS OF NATURAL RESOURCES | This course is designed to introduce students to certain areas of natural resource economics. Topics include theories of replenishable and exhaustible resource exploitation and the environment. Specific natural resources (e.g. depletable energy resources, recyclable resources, replenishable but depletable resources, etc.) are studied in depth. |
ECON 427 | NEW PERSPECTIVES IN ECONOMIC HIST.I | No data is available for the course. |
ECON 428 | NEW PERSPECTIVES IN ECONOMIC HIST.II | No data is available for the course. |
ECON 431 | THE ECONOMICS OF GENDER | No data is available for the course. |
ECON 432 | ECONOMICS FOR INEQUALITY&DISCRIMINATION | The course explores a number of central debates evolving around the issue of economic inequality and discrimination within both conventional and alternative theories. The course particularly focuses on the different theoretical explanations of the causes and consequences of discrimination in the context of gender and society. |
ECON 433 | FINANCIAL MARKETS | The structure and functions of financial markets are analyzed. Operations and regulations in the money and capital markets introduced. Financial innovations and liberalization processes will be at the core of the course. |
ECON 434 | ECONOMICS OF THE FIRM I | This course studies the organization and behavior of the firm. Emphasis is laid on the interdependence between financial and organizational structures of the firm, investment planning control of assets and liabilities and internal and external financing. |
ECON 435 | ECONOMICS OF THE FIRM II | This course is the continuation of 3110 434 and focuses on the role of institutions and markets in monitoring and controlling the behavior of the firm. |
ECON 436 | OTTOMAN TURKISH FOR ECONOMISTS | No data is available for the course. |
ECON 439 | MACROECONOMIC THEORY II | The course aims at the extension and elaboration of themes set forward in 3110 202. |
ECON 440 | MACROECON.THEORY AND STABIL.POLICY | The course primarily deals with economic stabilization policies with an emphasis on developing country experiences. The following topics are covered: different approaches to stabilization policies (heteredox, orthodox), conditions for a successful stabilization policy, structural reform programmes, inflation, monetary and exchange rate targeting policies and monetary vs exchange rate based stabilization programmes. Special emphasis will be given to current macroeconomic issues in the Turkish economy. |
ECON 441 | INSITUTIONAL ECONOMICS | No data is available for the course. |
ECON 442 | TOPICS IN MONETARY MACROECONOMICS | The main objective of the course is to introduce students to a number of approaches to monetary theory and to discuss their relevance for policy. Whilst emphasis on theoretical questions will be referred to frequently. The following topics are covered : Money demand and supply, currency/asset substitution, monetary and credit transmission mechanisms, central banking, and currency and banking crises. |
ECON 443 | GAME THEORY AND ITS APPLICATIONS | This course consists of two separate parts. The first part of the course is devoted to the techniques of non-cooperative game theory. After introducing the basic solution concepts in game theory the second part of the course focuses on the macroeconomic applications of game theory focusing upon the interrelationships among monetary and fiscal policy makers and wage setters in a national or an international context.. |
ECON 444 | ECONOMICS OF INNOVATION | Theories of innovation and technical change. Determinants of the rate and direction of technical change. The nature, sources and outcomes of product and process innovations. Industrial organization, inter-firm relations, networks and innovative activity. Management of product and process innovations. Dominant design, product life cycles, and technological trajectories. The effects of firm size, market structure and innovation opportunities on innovative activities. Measurement of innovative activity. Financial systems and innovation. Sectoral and industrial studies and policy issues. |
ECON 445 | INTRODUCTION TO LINEAR & NON LINEAR PRO. | Optimization problem, graphical solutions, algebraic solutions, simplex method, revised simplex method, duality, sensitivity analysis, applications. |
ECON 446 | TOPICS IN ECONOMETRICS | Use of matrix algebra. Systems of equations, seemingly unrelated equations and simultaneous equations. The debate on econometric modeling methodologies: Hendry, Lamer and Sims. |
ECON 448 | TECHNOLOGY AND INDUSTRIAL DYNAMICS | The main objective of this course is to enable students to understand and to analyze the forces which determine industrial development. The material includes a wide range of issues from a variety of perspectives: Broad historical analyses, microeconomic theory, the economics of technological change and industrial policy from both a domestic and an international perspective. |
ECON 449 | MACROECONOMICS OF TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE | The primary objective of this course is to analyze the political economy of technological change from the point of view of both the producers and users of technology. The material will include a short historical analysis of technological progress and technology policies that have been followed in Turkey and in some advanced countries or trade blocks. Recent theoretical approaches and trends in the international sphere to technology-related subjects such as R and D policies, human capital formation will be evaluated in the light of the Turkish development process. |
ECON 450 | ECONOMICS OF UNCERTAINTY AND INFORMATI | The course systematically develops an analytical framework for analyzing economic decisions under uncertainty. These decisions include individuals as well as group decisions and market mechanism. Topics in economics of information include the principal agent problem and characterization of optimal decision outcomes under both Symmetric and Asymmetric information environments. |
ECON 451 | INDUSTRIAL ECONOMICS | The course is an extension of 3110 201. Organization and development, concentration, entry barriers and other aspects of oligopolistic market structures will be discussed in the first part of the course. The second part will involve the theoretical and empirical dimensions of firm behavior. The specific topics will center on the pricing, investment and growth processes of modern oligopolistic firms. |
ECON 452 | AGRICULTURAL TRADE POLICIES | The goal of this course is to convey the basic economics of widely used agricultural trade policy schemes. The course is designed for students who have some grasp of microeconomic principles. Numerous trade policy mechanisms like; tariffs, quotas, mixing regulations, market discrimination, export subsidies are analyzed. Effects of various trade policies on domestic and international prices, consumption, production, trade and government revenue are examined. Some ideas about the effects of individual trade policies on general economic welfare are also discussed. |
ECON 453 | BUSINESS FORECASTING | Various forecasting methods are introduced with emphasis on their applications for social and economic planning. The core of the course is the use of models in forecasting future sales, capital, investment, new product development etc. |
ECON 455 | TURKISH ECONOMIC HISTORY | Study of Ottoman and Turkish economic and social history, beginning with developments during the 16th and 17th centuries followed by the study of the 19th and early 20th centuries. |
ECON 460 | STRUCTURE OF THE TURKISH ECONOMY | Overall structure of the economy; sources and use of income; economy of government; main sectors; agriculture, industry, services; income distribution; regional dispersion of economic activities. |
ECON 461 | INTRODUCTION TO LINEAR ECONOMIC MODELS | A review of Ricardian and post-Sraffian distribution theory and critique of neoclassical economic theory in this light is provided. Further topics include an analysis of macro dynamics. |
ECON 465 | DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS | This course studies the current policy issues of underdeveloped countries with reference to the relevant theoretical debates and country experiences, with some emphasis on the East Asian experience. Economic relations between North and South; trade, technology and financial policy issues; the role of the state; the implications of endogenous growth theory and international institutional constraints on policy making are discussed. |
ECON 466 | ECONOMICS OF GROWTH | A formal analysis of growth models. The conception and measurement of technical change. The generation of new technologies in historical perspective and the emergence of `Science-based`industries. The essential features of modern R+D systems. Diffusion and adaptation of technology in development and choice of techniques. |
ECON 469 | ECONOMICS OF LABOR | This course will involve the systematic economic study of human behavior regarding labor market operations. How labor markets operate in theory and in practice will be carefully examined. A wide range of topics and issues will be covered throughout the semester. The subjects to be discussed include; wage determination, worker productivity, labor supply and demand, employment and output, occupational choice, unemployment, unionization, discrimination, poverty, and some others. In short, since everyone sells their labor resources to earn a living, it is important to understand how the labor market operates. The ultimate goal in the course is to develop a critical understanding of how to evaluate labor market policy. |
ECON 472 | PROBLEMS IN OTTOMAN ECONOMIC HISTORY | This course deals with issues of agricultural and commercial transformation models in the Ottoman Empire. Emphasis is laid on the interaction of the Ottoman economy with European capitalism after the 16th century. |
ECON 474 | SEMINAR ON TURKISH ECONOMY | The course is designed to encourage research on some specific topics and issues that are covered in 3110 460. Seminar discussions and a term-paper are essential parts of the course. |
ECON 475 | INTRODUCTION TO MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS I | Nature of equilibrium analysis. Comparative statics and dynamic analysis. Mathematical treatment of some topics in microeconomics. |
ECON 476 | INTRODUCTION TO MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS | This course is the continuation of 3110 475. It is based on mathematical treatment of some topics in macroeconomics. |
ECON 480 | WORLD ECONOMY | The course investigates developments, trends, cycles and facts of the world economy during the 1980`s and its future. A framework is developed within which to examine the subject matter. Outcomes of `structural adjustment` on a major country basis as well on a global basis are evaluated. |
ECON 481 | AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS | Agricultural development; agricultural sector in Turkey; analytical topics in agricultural economics, analysis of government policies in agriculture; further topics in agriculture. |
ECON 482 | REVIEW TOPICS IN ECONOMICS | Scope and method, micro vs. macro, equilibrium and stability, markets and prices, expectations, technological equity vs. efficiency, time in economics, rationality. |
ECON 483 | APPLIED ECONOMETRICS I | This course concentrates on the applications of simple and multiple regression techniques and of simultaneous equation systems. The areas of application may include estimation of consumption functions, systems of demand functions, production and cost functions, international trade relationships and others. |
ECON 484 | APPLIED ECONOMETRICS II | This course concentrates on the applications of models with discrete dependent variables, models with limited dependent variables and models with duration data. Such applications may include models for binary choice, models for panel data, bivariate and multivariate Probit models, models for multiple choices and Tobit analysis of the censored regression. |
ECON 485 | INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMETRICS III | No data is available for the course. |
ECON 487 | EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS | No data is available for the course. |
ECON 488 | TRADE AND INDUSTRIALIZATION | The role of trade in development, terms of trade and trade in primary products, alternative industrialization strategies, sources and extent of protection, the effect of trade and industrialization policies on the pattern of trade and development. |
ECON 489 | EUROPEAN UNION AND TURKEY | The progress and problems of Turkey’s association with the EU, the analysis of comparative economic indicators and policies of Turkey and the EU, Turkey’s achievements and problems in adapting to common policies of the EU and other issues associated with Turkey’s full membership. |
ECON 490 | INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC INSTITUTION | Major international institutions and organizations involved in financing either on a global or regional scale. Their policies, financing instruments and the role they play on the world economic order. |
ECON 491 | MACROECONOMIC AND NATIONAL ACCOUNTS | Understanding and interpretation of principal components of the macroeconomic accounts, namely the national income accounts, balance of payments accounts, monetary and financial statistics. |
ECON 492 | THE POLITICAL ECON. OF EUROPEAN INTEG. | No data is available for the course. |
ECON 493 | URBAN ECONOMICS | Urban economics as a field of study; theories of urban spatial structure; urban economic structure; techniques of urban economic analysis, economic aspects of the study of the community; economics of major urban problems. |
ECON 494 | ECONOMIC AND MONETARY UNION | No data is available for the course. |
ECON 495 | THE LABOUR MARKET IN TURKEY: A COMP.PERS | This course evaluates historical development of the labor market in Turkey form a comparative perspective. The demographic, economic, social, legal and institutional framework of the labor market in Turkey from the mid-19th century until the contemporary period from an internationally comparative perspective, with special emphasis on wages and living and working conditions and on the mechanisms and dynamics of their determination are introduced taking into consideration the situation in various other countries and the international conventions and other instruments. |
ECON 496 | POLITICAL ECON.OF MIDDLE EAST&N.AFRICA | This course examines the issues of development in the region from Morocco to Iran using the tools of analysis of development economics and political economy. The topics to be covered include the concept of development, an introduction to the economic history of the region, agrarian change, rural to urban and international migration, informal sector, industrialization with and without oil, external debt and the impact of restructuring and stabilization programs. |
ECON 497 | COMPARATIVE EUROPEAN LABOR MARKETS | This course examines labor market characteristics and institutions in developed countries in general and Western European countries in particular. Comparisons to the most flexible labor market, the US, will be a focus of the course. Underlying paradigms are the skill-biased technological change adversely affecting low-skill workers and labor market institutions –as these institutions relate to labor market flexibility or wage rigidity. |
ECON 498 | LABOUR MARKET ECONOMICS | An up-to-date review of modern labor market theories, related policy issues and applications, as well as methods and findings of empirical research, including national and regional level analysis of these markets both in developed and developing countries. Open to economic and administrative sciences majors as well as to students from computer science, regional planning and engineering. |
ECON 499 | INTERNATIONAL MONEY, FINANCE AND BANKING | The course aims to introduce students to alternative approaches to international money, finance and banking. Whilst the emphasis is on policy questions, theory postulations and empirical evidence will be referred to frequently. The course is planned to cover some topical issues including i) International monetary regimes, ii) Exchange rate determination theories and evidence, iii) Alternative exchange rate regimes and policies, iv) Banking system: risks and regulation, v) The international experience with currency and banking crises, vi) Turkish financial system: Issues, risks and regulation, vii) Monetary policy in financially open economies with special reference to Turkey. |
ODTÜ Lisans Eğitim Öğretim Yönetmenliği