ODTÜ İktisat Bölümü Semineri (3 Mart)
Department of Economics Seminar Series
"Ex-post Behavioral Implementation"
Aygün Dalkıran
(Bilkent University)
Date: March 3, 2025 (Monday)
Time: 14:00
Place: F106, FEAS - Building A
We provide necessary as well as sufficient conditions for ex-post behavioral implementation under incomplete information. Ex-post consistency, the central condition we identify as necessary and almost sufficient for ex-post behavioral implementation, is a natural extension of ex-post incentive compatibility and ex-post monotonicity to behavioral domains. As an application, we extend the ex-post incentive efficiency of Holmstr¨om and Myerson (1983) to behavioral domains and show that it is fully ex-post behavioral implementable under mild conditions. We also discuss robustness properties and analyze in what sense ex-post behavioral implementation is robust and in what sense it is not.”